Out of the Fog


I’m Drowning!

We need to take very seriously the verses in Proverbs that say, “Trust in the LORD with all thine heart; and lean not unto thine own understanding. In all thy ways acknowledge him, and he shall direct thy paths. Be not wise in thine own eyes”1

I make goofy comments about my need to “get saved” every morning but I just wonder, when He says that His “mercies are new every morning”2 doesn’t that indicate that I need His mercies every morning?

It is extremely important that I start every day getting in tune with the Spirit. I have no idea what is awaiting me every day and even less of an idea of what God has in mind for me that day.

I could just live another day of my life by inertia (and who knows how many more days I have in this life) or I can live every one of my days with purpose and meaning as the Spirit guides.

There is no doubt that I have far fewer years left for ministry ahead of me than I have behind me.

Over time, you acquire experience in ministry. I have been able to read a mountain of books and have been discipled by men and women of God.

But if I understand fully what I need to do, if I can do it myself, if I can control the situation, than it is much too small to be of God.

I want to be in way over my head in deep water. I want my task to be so huge that I can not control it. If I can touch bottom and get my nose above water, then the water is not nearly deep enough.

I believe that those of you who have read this far know how I think. Even so, I feel that I need to emphasize that I am not talking about dumbing down Christianity.

It is just that I don't want to waste my days on projects that are within my abilities. I don’t want to waste my days on stupid stuff, either. The fact that something is impossible does not necessarily mean that it is God. What I need is for Him to guide me and for me to follow His leading.

So I wait on Him. I need to hear His voice every day. I need to be sensitive to His Spirit. I don’t even write an email until I spend time in the morning with Him — both in His word and in prayer. It is like I get spiritually dressed first and then I go to work.

His thoughts are much, much higher than my thoughts. His ways are really higher than my ways. The difference is like that of heaven and earth.3His thoughts and ways are light-years ahead, literally.

The ways I want to walk in are His ways.

1- Proverbs 3:5-7 2- Lamentations 3:23 3- Isaiah 55:8, 9

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